per palestre in cui lo spazio occupato dal sacco può servire a altre attivita ci sono vari sistemi artigianali e brevettati
TuffRail BAG SLIDE SYSTEM Heavy Bag (including materials and construction)
I wanted a moving heavy bag in order to practice the "retsev" techniques taught by my Krav Maga school. Using a 2x6 screwed into rafters, I securing two 6 ft pocket door tracks (side by side) to the 2x6 using self-drilling desk screws. I inserted two pocket door hanger ball bearings inside the track, and lined the wheels with duck tape to slow down the sliding a bit. Hooked a carabiner to each ball bearing, then one connecting both to produce a more fluid movement. Drilled holes at each end and used a pushpin to use as stoppers.
All materials were purchased from Amazon and Lowes. The total cost was about $45 (excluding heavy bag). può anche appendere il sacco a una carrucola
che poggi la ruota su un tubo o un cavo d'acciaio di adeguate dimensioni