Seminar in Athens April 2010

  • 3 Replies

Offline Bersek

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  • ครูใหญ่ วาเลริโอ ซาดรา
  • Respect: -25
  • Pratico: Krabi Krabong, Mae Mai Muay Thai, Taran Devak
Seminar in Athens April 2010
« on: January 25, 2010, 16:50:43 pm »
Η Ακαδημία διοργανώνει για πρώτη φορά στην Ελλάδα το Σάββατο 10 Απριλίου 2010 και Κυριακή 11 Απριλίου 2010 σεμινάρια Krabi Krabong με τον εκπαιδευτή Valerio ***** από την Ιταλία!

Τα Σεμινάρια θα διεξαχθούν στην έδρα της Ακαδημίας Μαχητικής Τεχνολογίας Jeet Kune Do, διεύθυνση Δήλου 9, Βύρωνας (Κάθετη στην Φορμίωνος). Εύκολη πρόσβαση από το κέντρο της Αθήνας με το λεωφορείο 732 (Στάση 9η Φορμίωνος).

Πληροφορίες: Ευάγγελος Ζορμπάς, email: τηλ.: 6946781911


The Academy is organizing for the first time in Greece Krabi Krabong seminars with the master Valerio ***** from Italy Saturday 10 April 2010 and Sunday 11 April 2010.

Biography of Valerio *****:
Teacher in a public school, he has practiced for 23 years many styles of Kung-Fu traditional Wu Shu and in particular Shaolin of the south, Tang Lang (religious mantis), Pa Kwa, Wing Chum, Lin Kwei and Chi Kung. Perfected with masters Tam Bai, Kai Te and Yokee Batarin also the discipline of taiji quan, Shiatzu massage and Chi Kung. In 1986 he obtained the III Chieh black belt in traditional Kung Fu and Tai quan.
Lover of the white arms, master ***** studied all those in traditional use (about 30) specializing in full contact free combat with knives and double swards. In the search for extreme efficiency he flew to Thailand and from 1992 he stayed there in order to study the most unknown, esoteric and deadly forms of combat.
He studied at great lengths with master Thonglor Trairatana, the patriarch of the Sritrairat style and trainer of Tai Special Forces, renown to be the greatest living expert of the traditional warrior martial arts.
In 1994 he participated in the Krabi Krabong world championships, where he obtained, in full contact white arms combat, second place in two specialties; in Krabi fencing and in Double Sword fencing "Dab Song Mue", which gave him two silver medals, the first westerner in the world against the unbeatable Thai fighters. In the year 1999 in the same kind of competition he win a golden medal in the fight with sabre Krabi and a silver medal in the fight with the Double Swords DAB SONG MUE.
He also studied other skills with master Pongsak Kongjem, receiving praise and official acknowledgment from the Thai Government. He obtained a diploma for master of Shiatzu message, a Thai style of massage, which he studied at the Buddhist monastery of Wat Pho, under master Kannika Pijapong. Master ***** teaches for the Thai sports Association in Bangkok, which is sponsored directly by King Rama IX Bhumiphol.
In 1992 he founded the I.K.K.A. International Krabi Krabong Association, with the idea of spreading this specialty in every nation of the world. The I.K.K.A. work under the Sritrairatana Fencing Club under Thai Sport Association under Royal patronage.

The Seminars will be hosted to the Academy Of Jeet Kune Do Fighting Technology, address Dilou 9, Vironas area (Vertical to Formionos avenue), Athens, Greece. Easy access from Athens center with Bus 732 (9th Formionos stop).

Information: Vagelis Zorbas, email: tel.: +30 6946781911

Valerio ***** Official Website:
Krabi Krabong Seminars Information:
สํานักดาบ ศิลป์จตุรธๅตุ
Non discutere mai con un imbecille, ti porta al suo livello e poi ti batte con l'esperienza.
Per arrivare dove gli altri non arrivano, bisogna fare cose che gli altri non fanno!
Chi discute con uno sciocco dimostra che ce ne sono due. (Confucio)


Offline Bersek

  • 99
  • ครูใหญ่ วาเลริโอ ซาดรา
  • Respect: -25
  • Pratico: Krabi Krabong, Mae Mai Muay Thai, Taran Devak
Re: Seminar in Athens April 2010
« Reply #1 on: April 12, 2010, 15:15:14 pm »
Eccomi tornato da Atene, splendida esperienza. Ho incontrato persone gentilissime, Vagelis Zorbas un vero signore. 3 giorni di seminario intenso e un volo Venezia - Roma vicino al ministro Brunetta.
Meglio è andato il volo Roma-Atene con seduta al fianco una star sexy della televisione greca: Elina Bekakou "Barbie", davvero notevole!!!  :-*

(P.S.dare un occhiata su youtube, poi capite...). Splendida l'Agorà e l'Acropoli di Atene. In gamba gli allievi di Vagelis. Probabilmente a primavera si ripete e ad agosto verrà per il Corso intensivo estivo.  :thsit:
« Last Edit: April 12, 2010, 16:56:14 pm by Bersek »
สํานักดาบ ศิลป์จตุรธๅตุ
Non discutere mai con un imbecille, ti porta al suo livello e poi ti batte con l'esperienza.
Per arrivare dove gli altri non arrivano, bisogna fare cose che gli altri non fanno!
Chi discute con uno sciocco dimostra che ce ne sono due. (Confucio)


L0tvs Eff3ct

Re: Seminar in Athens April 2010
« Reply #2 on: April 12, 2010, 21:15:29 pm »
A pelle, mi sembra più sexy lei di Brunetta.


Offline Ethan

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Re: Seminar in Athens April 2010
« Reply #3 on: April 12, 2010, 21:27:50 pm »
che pettorali