The 21 foot rule is predicated on stand and deliver type shooting (though Tueller himself encouraged taking a step backwards during your draw to add another three feet of distance). Against an attacker armed with a contact weapon, moving away from the attacker is an obvious solution. Many schools teach backpedaling while you draw and shoot. This works much better on flat smooth ranges than it does in the real world littered with curbs, discarded bottles, cars, etc. Tripping and bouncing the back of your head off the pavement may well leave you unconscious and at the tender mercies of the criminal with the knife. Even if you don’t trip, few of us can outrun someone when we are going backwards and he is going forwards. It is far better to turn, point your toes away from the attacker, and run, shooting twisting your upper body and shooting one handed to bring the gun into action. Using these techniques, students in Suarez International classes can get their gun out and put multiple rounds into the attacker at half the distance Tueller laid down, or even less (depending on the relative athleticism of the student with the knife and the student with the gun).
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This works much better on flat smooth ranges than it does in the real world littered with curbs, discarded bottles, cars, etc.
VI invito, per chi ne ha tempo e non lo conoscesse già, di dare una occhiata al sito crime-stoppers, che dà una idea molto buona di quella che sono i dati denunciati e non. Per chi ne ha voglia, ci sono numerosi pdf che chiarificano dati non ufficiali, riguardanti una porzione piccolossima di mondo, nello specifico gli uk, senza nessuna pretesa di esaustività.