Fight Rules:
Each fight is made in two rounds of three minutes, an additional round in case of equality.
(This is not appropriate for Toulon, to see sent note)
The fight wins by:
- Knock Out (KO) of one of the fighters
- Stop of the referee for technical KO, ie when one of both fighters has no more his lucidity to go on fighting
- Giving up from one of the fighters
- Decision of the arbitrators if the fight comes to end normally.
- Disqualification for speechless act.
Fight area :
The fights will take place on a tatami of 8 m X 8 m, with a 2 m safety band.
The arbitration team is composed of a central referee, and three arbitrators assistants, outside the boxing ring, providing their judgment at the end of the fight.
The victory by points is got with the majority.
Fight progress:
The fight is managed by the central referee, he does not give any judgment.
An official will be in charge of applying some petroleum jelly to the face of the fighters.
Authorized techniques
On the face:
- Direct punch.
- All the techniques of opened circulars hand, palm, external and internal cutting hand.
- Circular technique fits, backhands with top of the fist, edge outside, internal edge.
- Punch by turning.
- Striking with forearm.
- All the techniques of leg, blow of knee,
In the body:
- All the direct or circular techniques of fists.
- All the techniques of leg.
- Knocks of knee.
- Pokes.
At the lower level:
Circular techniques of leg on thighs, carried with feet, shins, or knees.
Main rules:
- The projections must be followed straight away with a valid fist technique within the 5 following seconds. The leg attacks when on the ground are forbidden.
- Up, the control of the body of one of the fighters can be made with opened hands, with forearm, but this phase of fight must be brief and followed by a struck blow.
Prohibited techniques
- All the knocks in the back, the nape of the neck, the lumbar vertebra.
At the face level
- The technique of leg from top to bottom( kakato-geri )
At the lower level:
- The techniques of leg in the articulations.
- Kick in the shell.
Doctor, wound, accident
The presence of a doctor is mandatory during all the competition.
The first concern of Pro Fight refereeing rules is to protect the health and the physical integrity of the competitors and to prevent accidents or hurts during the competition.
In case of wound of one of the competitors, the Referee will stop the fight right away, then will help the wounded competitor, also at the same time will call the doctor of the competition. Only the doctor can decide if a competitor can go on fighting or stop the fight.
Competitors wearing:
The competitors have to wear the holding determined by the Pro Fight organization..
The shell and the gum-shield are compulsory.
Shins and feet protections are forbidden.
The fighters will wear gloves approved by the organization.
One will carry a red belt, the other a black belt.
The competitors are not allowed to have bandages, excepted those authorized by the doctor of the competition.
Holding of the Arbitrators, Judges and the officials:
Grey pants.
White blouse
Red tie
Black or navy blue socks
Black slippers of arbitration.
Commands and gestures of the referee:
The referee will call the fighters in the center of the boxing ring before the beginning of the fight to remind them briefly the rules.
When the fighters return to their place, the fight begins with the signal: Hajime.
The referee will stop the fight when necessary by saying: Yame.
Then, the fight starts again at the signal of the referee.