sì, inserito in un programma più ampio di allenamento ci può stare
Penso siano specifici per chi lotta.
sì in effetti è specifico per la lotta, (grappling)
faccio copia e incolla dal sito
http://funkmma.com/site/2011/11/10/ufc-randy-couture-workout-for-mma-conditioning-2/Grappling and MMA fighting strength consists of power, explosion, muscular endurance, core strength and conditioning. This Barbell Complex Workout targets all aspects.
In this complex, you will use the same amount of weight for each exercise – go light to start (25lbs per side) and work your way up as you get stronger over the weeks. Even though it’s seems light at the beginning you will be begging for mercy after a few sets.
This workout is also a good replacement for interval training, bodyweight circuits, or high intensity cardio.
For all you MMA TOUGH GUYS and GALS out there, if you want a challenging workout, or want to change up your boring routine, this is IT. Add this to your arsenal of workouts. You can use this on your strength and power day.
No Barbells? Modify this workout with dumbbells