Qing Gong

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Qing Gong
« on: August 04, 2010, 11:41:10 am »
Topic da sotto l'ombrellone:

Qing gong: Encyclopedia II - Qing gong - The Theory

Qing gong - The Theory

Qing gong gong fu basically consists of two main skills. One is being the ability to jump vertically as many fold of the body length. The second is the ability to flit through the wheat field or tree or water as if flying.

The second ability of flitting through wheat field is the highest level of mastery of this skill. The body weight is not reduced when performing qing gong.It is not magic in any length of imaginary. It is just a trick of mastering a different way of walking or running that allows a display of lightness in an illusive way. Simply put, qing gong is just the ability of transition of body weight between the two feet in such a way that the body weight never gets the chance or time long enough to accumulate and rest its fullness on to any of the legs in any giving period of time. In the normal way of walking, the weight is carried from one leg to the other with its fullness at each time. The body weight in this kind of walking in order to complete its transition in a normal way to its fullest requires a given period of time. If we measure the amount of weight accumulated in one leg during this normal walking transition, we probably will observe that the magnitude of weight increases from 0 to body weight as max. For this increase to take place there is a time factor.

Just to illustrate, here is the time interval with its related weight transition accumulation progress:

Time interval/weight in fraction of second :

Time : 0 1 2 3 ... N weight : w1 w1+w2 w1+w2+w3 w1+w2+w3+w4 ... w1+w2+...+wN

The ability of qing gong of second category is the skill that enables one individual to immediately transit the partially accumulative weight from one leg to the other before the full body weight has a chance to accumulate/rest totally on one leg. The normal walking/running time cycle could be 0,1,2,3 ... N. In a qing gong way of walking, the duration of weight transition interruption could happen in a cycle of 0,1,2 ... 0,1,2 ...0,1,2 ..

This means that the two legs/feet are constantly manipulating the weight transition with a very high speed that causing forward momentum to carry the weight in the air. At any giving of time only a small fraction of the weight is used for body displacement or leg displacement. You are probably imagining how fast the two legs are able to operate (Not to mention how the body,hands,head work together in special manner in order to maintain the forward momentum).

The main constraint is that one's body weight cannot be over a certain weight. There is a certain barrier on how the speed of both legs can operate. The other constraint is the age to start this training. It is required to start at a very young age with persistence. Apparently, the result is special kind of body, legs & tendons.

Gong Bao Tian was said to be quite small comparing to the average person at the time. He was probably heavier than his son. That's probably why his son was able to do the flitting on the trees as opposed to him. Looking at the theory, it doesn't seem to contradict science but further than that it uses science to achieve its goal.



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Re: Qing Gong
« Reply #1 on: August 04, 2010, 11:49:07 am »
Sarebbe interessante un video di ciò!
Train hard. Relax harder!



Re: Qing Gong
« Reply #2 on: August 04, 2010, 11:55:22 am »


Offline *Cherry*Blossom*

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Re: Qing Gong
« Reply #3 on: August 04, 2010, 12:00:53 pm »
Train hard. Relax harder!



Re: Qing Gong
« Reply #4 on: August 04, 2010, 12:11:09 pm »
Mattia èssi bono , traduci  :gh:



Re: Qing Gong
« Reply #5 on: August 04, 2010, 12:14:00 pm »
google translator





Re: Qing Gong
« Reply #6 on: August 04, 2010, 12:15:32 pm »
sei troppo avanti ! Si vede che hai il Ming Meng aperto!  :halo:


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Re: Qing Gong
« Reply #7 on: August 04, 2010, 12:15:53 pm »

Idealmente se trattieni tutto nel dantian e corri veloce ce la fai.   idealmente.


e' la barba, piu' leggera dell'aria, che lo tiene su
Giovane furbino io rispondo agli uomini di paglia con gli uomini di paglia, per il sano principio di non sprecare energie inutili. Nel senso che la puzza di sviamento la sento a km, specie perche' ci conosciamo da un sacco e non spreco energie quando fai le nubi d'inchiostro.



Re: Qing Gong
« Reply #8 on: August 04, 2010, 12:16:36 pm »

non e' la stessa cosa ma piotta parecchio cmq.



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Re: Qing Gong
« Reply #9 on: August 04, 2010, 12:24:03 pm »

non e' la stessa cosa ma piotta parecchio cmq.


bello, mi ha ricordato assassin's creed

e' montato e mancano dei photogrammi pero' almeno rispetta la forza di gravita'
Giovane furbino io rispondo agli uomini di paglia con gli uomini di paglia, per il sano principio di non sprecare energie inutili. Nel senso che la puzza di sviamento la sento a km, specie perche' ci conosciamo da un sacco e non spreco energie quando fai le nubi d'inchiostro.


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Re: Qing Gong
« Reply #10 on: August 04, 2010, 12:26:05 pm »
Bello il video quando scala i muri. Se non sbaglio la figlia di Sun Lu Tang testimonio che suo padre riusciva a scalare un muro di 3 metri con altrettanti passi!
Un albero non si giudica forte in base alla lunghezza dei suoi rami, ma dalla profondità delle sue radici!



Re: Qing Gong
« Reply #11 on: August 04, 2010, 12:31:23 pm »
Si dice che SLT riusci ad inseguire un ladro che era esperto nella tecnica QingGong. Il ladro' volo' su degli alberi e corse via poi sicuro di non essere seguito si giro' e ci trovo' Sun che lo prese e lo malmeno'.

Sun diceva anche (secondo gli scritti) che la sua tecnica di rapidita' di passo era derivata dal BGZ.

Anche il nano del cesto sembra faccia BGZ.



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Re: Qing Gong
« Reply #12 on: August 04, 2010, 12:35:07 pm »
Qing Kong?

scusa Mattia, non ho resistito  :)



Re: Qing Gong
« Reply #13 on: August 04, 2010, 12:42:29 pm »

Idealmente se trattieni tutto nel dantian e corri veloce ce la fai.   idealmente.


L'avevo gia' vista questa foto, forse se ne e' parlato gia' in passato?


Offline Kufù

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Re: Qing Gong
« Reply #14 on: August 04, 2010, 13:41:12 pm »

Idealmente se trattieni tutto nel dantian e corri veloce ce la fai.   idealmente.


L'avevo gia' vista questa foto, forse se ne e' parlato gia' in passato?

dato che questa foto sta ancora girando per la rete, non se n'e' parlato abbastanza
Giovane furbino io rispondo agli uomini di paglia con gli uomini di paglia, per il sano principio di non sprecare energie inutili. Nel senso che la puzza di sviamento la sento a km, specie perche' ci conosciamo da un sacco e non spreco energie quando fai le nubi d'inchiostro.